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Wednesday 15 December 2010

Location Photo's

Location Photo's

Top: Our Location, Bottom Picture: House from the film; When a Stranger Calls
This is house is where most of the first scene will be filmed. We chose this location because the house is similar modern day based house which has been chose it the film; When a Stranger Calls. This house we chose to film in has similar features to what you would find in a horror film.

The rest of these pictures will be where most of our opening scene footage will take place, we have chose to base in inside a house because we got a few ideas from the film 'The Strangers'. In the bathroom will be the firsrt sight you see of the killer in our opening scene. Most of the other pictures you will see throughout the opening from where the character search the house due to them hearing noises in the house.

These are the pictures for our back-up location

These locations will only be used if we can not film in the other locations we have chose.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

The Art of The Title Sequence - Se7en

For part of our research for our own Horror genre film opening we looked at the film 'Se7en' as a Group. We believe that the opening to this film is very effective as it reveals little but key information throughout  it. This then 'hooks' the viewer, meaning that they want to watch the rest of the film. Throughout the title sequence it flickers between a black background to autopsy scene. This significantly connotes that somebody has died, automatically suggesting to the viewer that the film is from the horror genre. The timing is also key as this also helps to create tension and suspense for the viewer. The entire timing for the sequence is as follows:
2 Seconds - Book with pages open
6 Seconds - The words 'New line cinema presents' appears
9 Seconds - Distorted black and white photo of hands
13 Seconds - Close up of machinery
17 Seconds - Close up of fingers holding a piece of metal
20 Seconds - Black background with 'Morgan Freeman', an actor's name, written in white writing
24 Seconds - The title 'SE7EN' is revealed on a black background
29 Seconds - Close up of the front cover of the book
33 Seconds - Close up of the book with writing
36 Seconds - Close up of someone writing upside down
38 Seconds - Close up with red filter of a black and white photo
42 Seconds - Black background with 'John C. McGinly', an actors name, written in white writing
45 Seconds - Plain paper, square paper, and some photos. Two fingers touching the photo on the top of the file
49 Seconds - Close up of a black and white photo of a face
56 Seconds - Black background with cast names written in white writing that randomly flashes
1 Minute, 1 Second - Close up of someone writing in black ink and then smudging with their finger
1 Minute, 7 Seconds - Writing that's been printed, word crossed out with black marker
1 Minute, 12 Seconds - Cast names edited in over black and white photo of male face with the eyes crossed out with a marker pen
1 Minute, 19 Seconds - Negative film's with a finger holding them and placing them inbetween pages
1 Minute, 26 Seconds - 'Production Designed' written in white writing over a close up of dirty and bandaged fingers
1 Minute, 31 Seconds - Close up of a black and white photo of male and female's faces
1 Minute, 38 Seconds - Close up of the tips of dirty finger's with a needle between them
1 Minute, 47 Seconds - Finger tips binding paper with thread
1 Minute, 54 Seconds - 'Written by Andrew Kevin Walker' written in white writing with books in the background
1 Minute, 57 Seconds - Black and white photos in the book
2 Minutes, 8 Seconds - Film begins - buildings and inter-title 'Monday' written in white writing