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Wednesday 23 March 2011

( 7 ) Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back on my preliminary task i feel that i have progressed a lot by using different software and hardware to make my final piece better. I felt that by getting more known how to use adobe premier pro has helped me on being able to make better, this is because i now know how to insert different types of editing techniques such as cut and cross fades.

Whilst filming i found it easier to use a tripod than holding the camera free hand. I found it is because when filming my preliminary task i was holding the camera free hand and the shots weren't as good because the camera kept shaking, but because of using the tripod most of the footage in my final piece is clear and easy to see.

Adding in music to our opening scene made it more of a realistic film opening than watching the opening of my preliminary task, this is because throughout most of my first task there is a lot of movement going on and hardly any sound, which i found quite boring. So by adding the music in made it more interesting to watch and where the music gets louder in my final piece would make the audience jump, which usually happens in a horror film.

( 6 ) What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used a fuji finepix digital camera and a sony handycam video camera and a sony tripod. This was easier for us to get our close accurate shots steadier and clearer using the tri-pod. We used the fiji camera to get clear shots of our location photo's.

I used adobe premier pro, do capture and edit most of our opening scene, whilst using this i discovered how to edit in different types of ways. The most editing techniques we use using this programme was cross-fades and cuts from scene to scene.

I used YouTube to upload my horror movie and annotate connotations to my opening scene, this was the easiest way i could think of the be able to do this. By using YouTube i found it easier to upload video's and show other people.

We used Adobe Photoshop 7.0 to make our company logo, whilst making our company logo i found out how to make a shadow behind the writing and also making it look like it the writing is rusty giving away the horror them. Also i found how to put a background behind the writing to give away the blood effect. We also used this programme to make our titles of our job roles, we used this because it was easier to edit the writing to a more horror like theme.

This is  ESI Rekord M was new to me when i first used it. After looking through the device it became easier to use and the best way to record our voice over. Whilst using this i noticed i had to be in a quiet area because they pick up other sounds easily.

Blogger was knew to me when i first started my horror research and planning, like all blogs it was easy to get used to and can upload everything that is needed, from pictures to videos.

Google was the main search enginge i used to get all my reasearch images and research data, i used this because it is well know to finding out everything you need to know, which i found out from doing most of my reasearch using this search engine.

( 5 ) How did you attract/address your audience?

( 4 ) Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience is mainly aimed at teenagers or young adults. This is because the ages of our characters in our opening scene.

( 3 ) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

( 2 ) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have chosen a character from the opening scene of Strangers, this is because both of the characters have similar features, but there are a few differences. The main difference between the two characters is that the character from The Missing is a stereotypical teenager because of the clothing he is wearing, and you can tell that the character from Strangers is a girl because of the long blonde hair. One of the first similarities is that both of the characters are masked. Whereas the character from the film Strangers has an edited masked to show that she is a girl character. They have done this by adding make-up to the mask (blusher). This is a difference to our character because we have only made our mask plain white as it’s a male character. Also the clothing of both characters are different because our character is wearing a hooded jacket where as the character from Strangers is just wearing a plain green shirt Both characters have similar roles within the films, acting as the killer throughout the film, moving from scene to scene.